The Laubach Law Office works diligently to assist attorneys across the State of Texas that have cases with military related issues. Whether it be dividing military retirement correctly, knowing the ramifications of disability pay or dealing with survivor benefits plan, Dawn can help guide you. Dawn has drafted, reviewed or clarified hundreds of Divorce Decrees or Domestic Relations Orders relating to military retirement or survivor benefits. She is hired on a consultation or contract basis by many Texas Attorneys. If you are interested in her assistance, please submit an inquiry below or call her today! Some of the areas that the Laubach Law Office can help you and your client with are listed below.
- QDRO/DRO Preparation
- Military Retirement (to include forms required to DFAS)
- Thrift Savings Plan
- Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS)
- Civil Service Retirement System (CSRC)
- Teacher's Retirement System (TRS)
- Expert Testimony
- Mediation
- Collaborative Law
- Litigation
- Co-Counsel